How to make a Professional Github Profile Using README File

Deepa Jarout
4 min readJul 2, 2022

Precision is a symbol of professionalism.

An elegant way to show your skills on a GitHub profile is by using a README.

In this blog, I’m going to reveal how a pro programmer creates a GitHub profile using a file.

The first step is to decide what information you need to include in your profile README. Some things the visitors may find engaging and helpful in your profile README are:

  • A section that describes your work and interests — the “About me” section.
  • Your most influencing contributions, and a summary of those contributions
  • It will guide the visitors in getting help in communities where you’re involved.
GitHub profile of Deepa Jarout (

You can add emojis, images, and GIFs to your profile README by using GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Necessary Conditions-

The following things need to be true then GitHub will display your profile README on your profile page :

  • You’ve created a repository with a name that matches your GitHub username.
  • The repository is public.
  • The repository contains a file named in its root.
  • The file contains the content of your choice.

Adding a profile README

  1. Use the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of any page, and select New repository.
GitHub repository by deepajarout

2. Under “Repository name”, type a repository name that matches your GitHub username. For example, if your username is “deepajarout”, the repository name must be “deepajarout”.

create a new repository by deepajarout

3. Select Public.

select pubic by deepajarout

4. Select Initialize this repository with a README.

README by deepajarout

5. Click Create repository.

create repository by deepajarout

6. Above the right sidebar, click Edit README.

edit repository by deepajarout

7. The generated README file is pre-populated with a template to give you some inspiration for your profile README.

template by deepajarout

For a summary of all the available emojis and their codes, see “Emoji cheat sheet.”

How to Add Social Media Icons

social media icons by deepajarout

For the social media icons, I downloaded icons from google you can also download icon and put it in your repository and Use the code below.

<a href=”"><img align=”left” src=” logo_icon.png” alt=”deepa Jarout| Twitter” width=”35px”/></a>

Enter your username, repo name, branch, folder name, and file name. Make sure to change the href link to your own link.

code by deepajarout

How to Add Technical skills Badges

technical skills badges by deepajarout

For the Technical skills Badges, I am using

You can use the following code to show your badges.

<img alt=”React” src=”"/>



code by deepajarout

How to add GitHub Status Card

GitHub stats by deepajarout

You can also add a cool GitHub status card to your GitHub profile. It will show you real-time stats for your GitHub account.

If you want to use the one I am using, copy and paste the code below.

[![Anurag’s github stats](](

[![Top Langs](](

Make sure to change my GitHub username deepajarout to your GitHub username.

Only change the username, don’t change anything else.



Deepa Jarout

I am Software developer.I like problem solving, traveling, photography, dancing, video games, conversation.I like to explore new places with different tradition